Specialist support to guide you along your journey towards understanding neurodiversity.

Looking for an assessment or some support to better understand your or your child’s thinking style?

At Grow & Thrive we offer you a range of specialist services focused around social communication and the psychological and emotional wellbeing needs of children, young people and adults. 

Our team of experts work closely with you to ensure that you feel supported holistically. The wide range of professional services Grow & Thrive offers means that seamless support is there - in whatever capacity you need - at every step of your unique journey.

Our services are designed to provide expert support with your family at the centre.

Neurodevelopmental Screening Assessments

Autism ADHD learning profile diagnosis  multidisciplinary

Neurodevelopmental Assessments

(Age 4-17 and 18-24)

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/SMARTS

Adult Neurodevelopmental Assessments (age 25+)

*Please Note: We are not currently offering Adult Neurodevelopmental Assessments but plan to re-open this service in the near future.

Neurodevelopmental Support


Not sure which service might be for you?

That’s what we’re here for. After decades of working with families experiencing a diverse range of conditions and communication needs, we are well-equipped to listen and identify which service/s will support you best and which therapists will help you thrive.

Looking to start your journey?