Why I am glad Grow exists


Who knew, I would help create an organisation which gave me what I needed for my own journey as a parent. Maybe it is obvious, that Jude and I have created something to fill an unmet need, but to do it without even being aware that this is what I needed I find miraculous. And I am truly grateful for every family who has joined us, been on their own personal journey with us and to the team who have come on board and be around us. Without you all I think our own family journey would be very different.

Grow has become so much more that we ever imagined. As we head towards our 6th year Anniversary, I reflect on going from a team of 2 to a team of 8+, each person bringing a unique set of qualities and skills which allow us to match to each individual family or individual. The team that has become Grow have done so because they share the same ethos - of being human first, building relationships through listening and understanding and sharing knowledge and skills at the pace needed for understanding not through time limited interventions and processes.

Each family brings their own situation, story, experience, strengths and challenges. Each family allows for greater understanding of what it is to be human, to celebrate uniqueness and to foster greater connection with each other. I feel very privileged to be trusted to enter a families world, to listen and learn, share and collaborate to help bring greater understanding and I feel very lucky to learn so much from these amazing families which I add to my own toolkit - both professionally and personally.

Thank you each and every one of you.

Katy Laing

Director/Consultant Speech and Language Therapist


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