Never be held back

Advice to others from the voice of experience.

For the past 6 months I have been working with a fantastic young woman exploring and supporting her communication skills and helping her build her confidence. At our initial meeting we identified her priorities and designed goals to stretch and build skills. Reflecting on how far she has come through her own determination and resilience, she shares her thoughts on her experience of having additional support needs and her work with Grow so far.

“Ever since I was diagnosed at 12 with a learning difficulty, I wanted to let people know that it shouldn’t hold you back. I’ve always wanted to change other people’s views of additional support needs. Even though I had additional support needs I could achieve. You can’t be discriminated against, you might just have to work a bit harder”

This young woman has recently completed college, gone abroad on holiday with friends, had her first job interview and been offered that job.


“Coming to Grow has helped my confidence and self-esteem. I have more courage to achieve and feel much more confident to communicate with strangers now”.

I feel incredibly proud to be playing a small part in this incredible journey into adulthood. Sessions are a truly collaborative process; responsive to the communication priorities of the time and building an set of tools which can used across environments and across the lifespan.

I am excited to follow the achievements of this remarkable young women going forward.

Katy - Specialist Speech and Language Therapist


Your child


Back to school blues